04 August 2010

Cape Town & Cape Point

Our Hotel Travel Guide talked us through a few options for us to do for the remainder of our time in Cape Town. We really wanted to visit Robben Island, but there were no spaces left so instead we booked ourselves in for a half day Peninsula tour to see Cape Point which left at 2pm today.

With this afternoon planned we had time to go window shopping at the V&A Waterfront again because it’s awesome. The Waterfront consists of a large two story shopping mall and outside are restaurants lining the pier waterfront. Smaller vendors were also around selling items and inviting people go on their cruises and helicopter flights. Often street performers will gather in crowded areas, which is where we met the group of traditional African singers below. We bought their cd, but as our computer doesn’t have a cd player we can’t add it to the blog for you to hear. They were very good. We had Subway for lunch overlooking the water and as we were leaving, a backpacker (we think), asked to have our leftovers. We were ok with this and Ev also gave him her drink.

Cape Town Peninsula Tour

Day Trip

The peninsula tour went down the coast and our guide Basil shared a lot of local knowledge about the areas and the African societies around Cape Town. On the outskirts of the city, we passed thousands of shanty shacks of black townships where children played football near the side of the highway. We also saw many housing blocks in townships for the coloured population. For a lot of the drive on the highway teams of 20 council workers were improving the roads. This occurred for almost 30 minutes driving straight.

The Cape of Good Hope was within a national park where eland, ostrich and other animals roamed freely. There was a mist with low lying cloud that hazed most of our view allowing us to see only 200 meters into the distance. It was still very beautiful, and very cold.

Cape of Good Hope
After the Cape of Good Hope, we went to Cape Point which is the most Southern point of the African Continent. Due to the haze at Cape Point we made a bee line to the shop to buy magnets and shirts rather than freezing outside.

The penguin colony was an amazing experience to be able to stand next to them within their habitat and hearing them communicate with each other. We wish we could have stayed longer with them at sunset, but we were loosing light for driving home.

Penguins on the Peninsular

After our long day, we had room service for dinner so we could get ready for our early rise tomorrow at 5am for our bus ride to the ocean.

Queue Jaws theme. :P

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