So, time for a bit of fun and reflection. Things you’re not meant to know:
• Evelyn shared the Honeymoon suit with Fiona the day before the wedding to break in the bed. Awesome.
• Ev and Fi woke up with sore throats so they took tablets on an empty stomach. They both vomited and Ev was nauseous most of the afternoon. I felt fine.
• The fire alarm went off in the honeymoon suite after boiling the kettle. They got tired of boiling the kettle and decided to fill it with water and boiled the water instead.
• I forgot to buy cufflinks, so I asked Paul to get them, and he forgot too. It worked out well.
• Ev said she almost fainted when the roses ‘I’ sent came in (thanks Rob). My wonderful gesture was too much to take in. (I get that a lot)
• 3 glasses of wine were spilt in the car on location shots. One by Ev, one by Fi, and one from myself. Luckily it was white wine and dried clear.
• Emily had blisters on her feet. She’s an avid fire walker.
• Fi had no shoe gels in her shoes – how did you do it? Although, comfortable, flat dress shoes are no picnic either. :P
• Ev bought 7 pairs of wedding shoes (returned 2 pairs and another was a pair from a friend). The final pair was found 2 days before the wedding and was the right colour, a good height and matched the dress perfectly. Ev’s OCD side shining through.
• Ev had gold beads added to her dress.
• Ev’s new matching handbag was never found once it was taken down to the Reception room. Goodbye Ray Band sunglasses. She still doesn’t know I sold them on Ebay.
• Ev had sand in her shoes and stockings for the rest of the night after the beach shot, but it was worth it. For some reason I had sand in my underpants. I didn’t mind.
• Steve slapped me on the arse to stop me sobbing as my Bride walked down the isle.
• Steve enjoyed it. I liked it more.
• I asked Ev during the wedding ceremony if she was from out of town and what she was doing later.
• Steve also secretly enjoyed Roland’s kiss. Roland thought he was in with a shot.
• Grandad Harrold individually hole punched two hearts in each bonbonniere bookmark for ribbon to thread through. It took him and Ev 3.5 hours to do 85.
• Fresh calla lily flowers arrived to Ev’s room so two could be laid on each table, they never left the honeymoon suite so fake flowers were used instead. Still, beautiful and handy because Kayla played with them all night and may have eaten the real ones. They, with the roses, made perfect gifts for our Mothers.
• All the girls wore hand-crafted glass-blown beads with 26% carat floating gold inside. The swirls were complemented with swirly earrings. I have no idea what this means but it sounds great.
• Every chance he got, Roland was fixing my, tie, belt, corsage and jacket. I thought that was pretty cool. Not gay at all.
• We ate subway in the wedding cars on the way to the photo shoots.
• The Groom and Groomsmen all had beer steins with ‘Groom’, ‘Best Man’ or ‘Groomsman’ on the mug. We weren’t sure whose was who.
• Belinda nearly crapped herself when Sam asked if she wanted to make a speech. Chicken!!! :)
• The Bride and Groom didn’t eat any wedding cake on their Wedding night.
• I got slapped and pinched on the butt during the Guard of Honour more times than I care to count but again, I didn’t mind.
• Our hotel key didn’t work after we left the ceremony and one of the staff sprinted up to unlock our room. She then carried us both over the threshold.
So there it is. A little insight as to what went on behind the scenes that people didn’t and in hindsight shouldn’t know. We both had an awesome day. We’re glad everyone there was able to share it with us.
Classic Danial!!
You didn't mention that our fake eyelashes (except Eve's!!) were all coming off by the end of the night. Mine ended up sitting next to Eve's dinner plate. :)
Oh ha-ha!! very funny ;) you should thank me Teiam! considering you both cried when you read my speech at breakfast. saved you from ruining your makeup at the reception ;) You forgot to say that I was playing chocolate wafer nurse to Ev when she was feeling faint. I think she had 3 in her hand at once at one stage ;) x
Hi Babes,
Yes, it was a wonderful proud of all of our 6 kids and little kidlin. What great writing - we love reading your blog!
Can't wait for the next instalment. Post stuff to Grandma M-she can't wait to read it.Mum M
Em, I had no idea your lashes were even there. Eeeww!
Bel, I can't wait for your surprise when we get back. Thanks again for your wonderfun design work, and yeah, thanks for the sugar rush, I forgot to tell Dan about that, I'm sure if you had a stick at the isle he would have had one as you passed by.
Mum, Thanks, we have another one of Cape Town to post but I can't seem to view my videos and upload them. Good idea about sending the blog to Gran's, would you have time to do this, it might get a little expensive to print and post. I know they'd love to read it. Miss you heaps.
*giggles* Ah well at least none of your Bridesmaids Grandad's died while getting dressed for the big day! ;) Now THAT was a drama and a half! xx
Thanks Ev, glad your looking forward to it, no pressure though eh! haha ;) although I'm sure you'll like it! I probably would have had one too my legs were jelly in those high high heels, hehe.
loving reading your blog. miss you both! xxxx
Very funny Dan!I never saw anyone go so pale as Bel did when I asked if she wanted to speak. I know, I'm wicked. Can't wait to see you guys at the end of the month!
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